At Texas Injury Clinic, an experienced Fort Worth chiropractor will help reduce or eliminate your neck pain. This article was created to help show what Texas Injury Clinic can do for you.
Neck pain can be tricky to treat. It is essential to know exactly where the pain is originating from. Here at Texas Injury Clinic, we will use multiple tools to find the exact location of your pain. This is the first step in the treatment process and may be the most important.
The spine houses almost all the systemic nerves in the human body. It is one of the most complex and important areas of the body. A misaligned spine can cause attached muscles to tighten and spasm. Your muscles tighten as a way to defend against the misaligned vertebrae. Your muscles are making an attempt to protect the spinal column. The two main causes for people with a misaligned spine are poor posture and occupations that require repetitive motion.
The treatment of neck pain is not very straightforward considering that there are many possible causes of the problem. Finding the source of your neck pain problems is our team's number one priority. Treating neck pain with aspirin and other drugs can provide temporary relief but if you don't get to the root cause it can be difficult to treat successfully.
There are too many people in the world that fail to get their spinal misalignments corrected. Many are simply hoping the pain will go away on its own if they wait a long enough time. This pain can actually go away, but the misalignment is still there. The pain is sure to return if the misalignment is still there. The longer an individual waits to get their condition corrected, the greater the chance is that the issue can potentially become very serious. There are many cases where patients wait so long that surgery is the only option.

High-intensity laser therapy (HILT), the next generation of cold laser therapy or low-level light therapy (LLLT), utilizes therapeutic laser light to help accelerate the healing process. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including neck pain. This treatment is cleared by the FDA, totally safe, non-invasive, painless, and has no side effects. Most patients report seeing positive results in just one day.
Learn more about Laser Therapy HERE.
Published study available HERE.
There is a trap associated with neck pain. This trap revolves on the idea that if so many people have neck pain (common) it must be normal. This is not logical and is the reason we are seeing more and more people with conditions that require surgery. Be proactive and get your spine checked out.
Your first visit will consist of a thorough consultation that includes an analysis of your health history. We want to fully understand what you are experiencing before treatment begins. We will then be able to create a personalized treatment plan that promotes a fast recovery.
Don't live with neck pain any longer. Give Texas Injury Clinic in Fort Worth a call and let our professional and experienced staff answer any questions you may have. We are here to help!